



カテゴリ: XOOPS モジュール (2.0)
今すぐダウンロード!MediaLinks - a Video contents module ヒット数 バージョン: 2.0a
掲載日:  2008/11/23

medialinks is a module for video materials (wmv, mov, etc). This module work display arrange videos and show it.

This module feature is following:

* Make keyword with complex structure and add multiple.
* Make Additional database field.
* Handle multiple video file and attachment file link in a content.

New feature in medialinks 2.0, support upload contents and FLV format convert (need ffmpeg/convert external program).

And this package include JW FLV Player for display FLV contents.

2008-11-23 medialinks 2.0 release
- Allow access control each content by users
- Add file uploads
- Add display list mode with thumbnail images
- Support Flash Video (FLV) format and automaticaly convertions
- Uploads admin functions
- Add tpladmin, blockadmin (support by altsys)
2008-01-17 fix language/*/admin.php declear mistake (1.01b)
2007-11-18 fix english resource syntax error (1.01a)
2007-11-06 medialinks 1.01 release

This module developed by assistance payment from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Young Investigator (B), Research Division title, "CMS using intern archive system construction and teacher-training college classes impractical formation[Japanese]", the task number: 18700652, Research Organizer: Nobuhiko Hushiwara (Naruto University of Education))

(This module licensed by GPLv2 same as XOOPS, except "flvplayer.swf" file)

1369 回のダウンロード  1369  ファイルサイズ 187.80 KB  利用可能なOS/ソフト等 XOOPS 2.0 or XOOPS Cube Legacy 2.1  ホームページ http://myht.org/
評価: 9.00 (1 票)
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