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なし Ssl

Hi nobu
how can I set https in my wiki?

なし Re: Ssl

I setuped SSL in your alias domain.
Nobuhiro YASUTOMI (MySite Users Webmaster)

なし Re: Ssl

  1. Create an account & login
  2. Go to Localsettings.php and insert 「$wgGroupPermissions['user']['userrights'] = true; 」at the bottom line(Do not include 「」.)
  3. When you return to the site, you will see a column in the sidebar that says "Change user rights", click on it.
  4. Add bureaucrats and administrators.
  5. Return to Myht and remove the inserted script
memo:This wrote by automatic translation./Freepedia-Myhtの歩き方#Myhtのバグに関連した追加操作より引用・翻訳。

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