

# This file was automatically generated by the MediaWiki installer.
# If you make manual changes, please keep track in case you need to
# recreate them later.
# See includes/DefaultSettings.php for all configurable settings
# and their default values, but don't forget to make changes in _this_
# file, not there.
# Further documentation for configuration settings may be found at:
# http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Configuration_settings

# If you customize your file layout, set $IP to the directory that contains
# the other MediaWiki files. It will be used as a base to locate files.
if( defined( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' ) ) {
} else {
$IP = dirname( __FILE__ );

$path = array( $IP, "$IP/includes", "$IP/languages" );
set_include_path( implode( PATH_SEPARATOR, $path ) . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path() );

require_once( "$IP/includes/DefaultSettings.php" );

# If PHP's memory limit is very low, some operations may fail.
# ini_set( 'memory_limit', '20M' );

if ( $wgCommandLineMode ) {
if ( isset( $_SERVER ) && array_key_exists( 'REQUEST_METHOD', $_SERVER ) ) {
die( "This script must be run from the command line\n" );
## Uncomment this to disable output compression
# $wgDisableOutputCompression = true;

$wgSitename = "蝦夷Wiki";

## The URL base path to the directory containing the wiki;
## defaults for all runtime URL paths are based off of this.
## For more information on customizing the URLs please see:
## http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Short_URL
$wgScriptPath = "";
$wgScriptExtension = ".php";

## UPO means: this is also a user preference option

$wgEnableEmail = true;
$wgEnableUserEmail = true; # UPO

$wgEmergencyContact = "uncyc@excite.co.jp";
$wgPasswordSender = "uncyc@excite.co.jp";

$wgEnotifUserTalk = true; # UPO
$wgEnotifWatchlist = false; # UPO
$wgEmailAuthentication = true;

## Database settings
$wgDBtype = "mysql";
$wgDBserver = "localhost";
$wgDBname = "*********";
$wgDBuser = "*********";
$wgDBpassword = "*********";

# MySQL specific settings
$wgDBprefix = "";

# MySQL table options to use during installation or update
$wgDBTableOptions = "ENGINE=InnoDB, DEFAULT CHARSET=binary";

# Experimental charset support for MySQL 4.1/5.0.
$wgDBmysql5 = true;

## Shared memory settings
$wgMainCacheType = CACHE_NONE;
$wgMemCachedServers = array();

## To enable image uploads, make sure the 'images' directory
## is writable, then set this to true:
$wgEnableUploads = false;
# $wgUseImageMagick = true;
# $wgImageMagickConvertCommand = "/usr/bin/convert";

## If you use ImageMagick (or any other shell command) on a
## Linux server, this will need to be set to the name of an
## available UTF-8 locale
# $wgShellLocale = "en_US.UTF-8";

## If you want to use image uploads under safe mode,
## create the directories images/archive, images/thumb and
## images/temp, and make them all writable. Then uncomment
## this, if it's not already uncommented:
$wgHashedUploadDirectory = true;
$wgUploadDirectory = "{$IP}/rumoi"

## If you have the appropriate support software installed
## you can enable inline LaTeX equations:
$wgUseTeX = false;

$wgLocalInterwiki = strtolower( $wgSitename );

$wgLanguageCode = "ja";

$wgSecretKey = "s,llkfmpodm;fnfl/;ftdgm;";

## Default skin: you can change the default skin. Use the internal symbolic
## names, ie 'standard', 'nostalgia', 'cologneblue', 'monobook':
$wgDefaultSkin = 'monobook';

## For attaching licensing metadata to pages, and displaying an
## appropriate copyright notice / icon. GNU Free Documentation
## License and Creative Commons licenses are supported so far.
# $wgEnableCreativeCommonsRdf = true;
$wgRightsPage = ""; # Set to the title of a wiki page that describes your license/copyright
$wgRightsUrl = "";
$wgRightsText = "";
$wgRightsIcon = "";
# $wgRightsCode = ""; # Not yet used

$wgDiff3 = "/usr/bin/diff3";

# When you make changes to this configuration file, this will make
# sure that cached pages are cleared.
$wgCacheEpoch = max( $wgCacheEpoch, gmdate( 'YmdHis', @filemtime( __FILE__ ) ) );

// 独自設定
$IP = "http://ezowiki.myht.org";
$wgExtraNamespaces = array(100 => "Forum", 101 => "Forum_talk");
$wgExtraNamespaces = array(102 => "道南", 103 => "道南・トーク");
$wgContentNamespaces[] = 100;
$wgContentNamespaces[] = 101;
$wgContentNamespaces[] = 102;
$wgContentNamespaces[] = 103;
$wgAutoConfirmAge = 3600*240; // 10日
$wgBlockAllowsUTEdit = true; // BlockかいわPOK
$wgAutoblockExpiry = 3600*12; // Blockあうて
// Noインタフェス
// require_once( "{$IP}/extensions/Renameuser/SpecialRenameuser.php" ); // エラーの為コメントアウト
// うp
$wgEnableUploads = true;
$wgFileExtensions = array( 'png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'bmp', 'txt' );
// 権限
// $wgGroupPermissions['bureaucrat']['renameuser'] = true; // エラーの為コメントアウト
$wgGroupPermissions['*' ]['createpage'] = false;
$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['bigdelete'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['hideuser'] = true;