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通常 Event Guide Qs

A few questions about the new version...

Please explain the starting time as I do not understand how it works. If an event starts at 8:00 am - I set a start time of 08:00 the time shows up different on the event detail page for registered user, anonymous and admin. I understand it might have to do with default time zones in user profile and XOOPS settings but how do I set initial start time so that it appears as 8:00 am to all? Is it not 8:00:00 ?

I also do not understand the Time Table Labels. Desc: Set starting time in settings collection page. e.g.: 08:00,14:00,16:00. Would you tell me why I would need a label on the collection page? Sorry, trying to understand your reason.

Regarding changing the module directory/dirname - is this difficult? I could not find instructions in your help.html file. Is there a how-to on this? I simply want to rename the dirctory to "events" instead of "eguide" if possible.

Thanks for your hard work on the new version!


通常 Re: Event Guide Qs

Well, displayed time will be follow settings timezone. If you want to use fixed timezone, using template in eguide_item.html like this:

(This is show up server time)

Next, Time Table Labels. That working multiple times event in a day. Event style like school hours. Collection settings especally for this case.

And change directory name, You can do.
Directory registered in XOOPS system, when install. Then you need change name before install.
(or do Uninstall/change/install)
安冨 伸浩 (マイサイト管理人)

通常 Re: Event Guide Qs

My fault! It was the admin's default timezone did not stick when set so event times were off. I set again and event dates are fine now! My apologies!

I changed directory to "event" (after uninstall module) and it works! You made it very easy. Excellent work, nobu. Thank you for all your help.

通常 Re: Event Guide Qs

Another question about the event time. I do need a fixed starting time because these are not online meetings but instead business seminars at a specific location. So I do need to specify for this part:
Starting Event 8:00
as a fixed time. When I inserted your line in the eguide_item.html:
it didn't change anything that I can see and yes, I did update the module. This is where I inserted it into the code.
<{$smarty.const._MD_STARTTIME}> <{$event.edate|date_format:"%H:%M"}>

What did I do wrong?


EDITED to correct where I added code.

通常 Re: Event Guide Qs

Regarding the fixed time - it looks like I'll probably have to hard code in template and add something to language file.

通常 Re: Event Guide Qs

Are you selected updated template sets? Template selecting in General preferences.
安冨 伸浩 (マイサイト管理人)

通常 Re: Event Guide Qs

That's confusing. If I update the eguide templates after I modify them, they should update, right? But I've been updating everything anyway. Things just aren't working right for me. It doesn't matter though since the events are set for online broadcast / webcast times then I removed the first line so the time does not show. Times do not change when it is a seminar at a physical location. I misunderstood the purpose of Event Guide. I didn't realize it was only set up for online events. I thought we could choose. Sorry.

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