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なし eguid Time format

Is there a way to change the time display in eguide from 24 hour display to a 12 hour display? It would make it easier for my users to be able to view time stamps as 10am or 3pm for example.


なし Re: eguide Time format

Change language resource file.

language/<yourlang>/main.php for example:
define('_MD_STIME_FMT', 'ha');

define("_MD_POSTED_FMT", "j M Y h:i a");
define("_MD_TIME_FMT", "j M Y h:i a");
See format detail in PHP date function.

なし Re: eguid Time format

Thanks for the information. So I believe that I configured it correctly however it is still showing the 24 hour format. I updated the module and checked everything. It is also still displaying the 24 hour format when I go to register a new event. Is there another place I need to go look? now I do want to say that I am using piCal to display things I have also checked that module and it is setup for 12 hour increments.

Any thoughts on what I could be doing wrong?

なし Re: eguid Time format

ok I figured it out. The time had to be changed in the eguide2.php files in the piCal plugin modules from 'H:i' to 'g:i a' and this gave me the desired effect I was looking for.

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