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[d3pipes] d3pipes 0.66

Distributed 2009-02-11 18:08

Outer RSS/ATOMs import, cooking and display flexible.

Distribution page


0.66 2009-01-18
- added a parse joint D3pipesParsePhpbbactivetopics.class.php
- modified D3pipesBlockPicolist.class.php fetches ef and tags
- added the order option for comment-integration
- modified a joint D3pipesBlockD3bloglist can specify userID (thx hodaka) 0.66a
- added language files
-- portuguesebr (thx leco) 0.66a
- updated language files
-- persian (thx voltan) 0.66b
- added block joints
-- eguide2 0.66c

0.65 2008-11-18
- modified Sitemaps feature easy as possible
- added a joint to merge entries from the other d3pipes (UnionTheotherd3pipes)
- fixed missing assignment "pipe" from clipping detail controller
- added "initial_pipe" attributes for each entries
- added option "keep pipe info" for union joints
- added "keep pipe info" as a preference and block's options
- fixed wrong dirname displying for pipes from the other modules (thx ume8) 0.65a
- modified utf8from joints modified encoding field in the XML declaration 0.65a
- modified some interfaces a little better 0.65a

Updated 2009-06-12 17:49   Owner nobu
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