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[protector3] Protecter 3.2 (protector3 3.2)

Distributed 2008-09-17 18:27

Xoops Protector is a module to defend XOOPS2 from various and malicious attacks.

Distribution page

3.20 (2008/09/17)
- numbered as a stable version
- updated language files
-- arabic (onasre)
- fixed language files
-- de_utf8

3.17 beta (2008/04/24)
- modified URLs with the same hostname as XOOPS_URL are not counted as URI SPAM
- updated language files
-- persian (thx stranger and voltan) 3.17a
- added language files
-- de_utf8 (thx wuddel) 3.17a

3.16 beta (2008/01/08)
- added a filter postcommon_post_deny_by_httpbl for antispam by honeypotproject
- updated language files
-- polish (thx kurak_bu)

3.15 beta (2007/10/18)
- added "compact log"
- added "remove all log"
- added language files
-- fr_utf8 (thx gigamaster)

3.14 beta (2007/09/17)
- imported HTMLPurifier (special thx! Edward Z. Yang) PHP5 only
- added filtering point (spamcheck, crawler, f5attack, bruteforce, purge)
- added filter plugins
-- postcommon_post_htmlpurify4guest (guest's post will be purified) only PHP5
-- spamcheck_overrun_message
-- crawler_overrun_message
-- f5attack_overrun_message
-- bruteforce_overrun_message
-- prepurge_exit_message

3.13 beta (2007/08/22)
- modified the filter structure from function to class
- added filtering point (badip, register)
- added filter plugins
-- postcommon_register_insert_js_check (against registering SPAM)
-- precommon_badip_message (displays a message on rejecting the IP)
-- precommon_badip_redirection (redirects somewhere on rejecting the IP)

3.12 beta (2007/08/16)
- fixed for controllers with $xoopsOption['nocommon']=true

3.11 beta (2007/08/16)
- modified ordering precheck and postcheck
- removed a rbl server from postcommon_post_deny_by_rbl.php
- added language files
-- french (thx Christian)

3.10 beta (2007/07/30)
- modified precheck getting config via local cache
- modified precheck does not connect MySQL as possible
- fixed "reliable IP" does not work well
- modified mainfile patch can be inserted before protector installation
- added a logic to check some folder's permission on installing protector
- modified IP denying pattern. 'full', 'foward match', and 'preg match'
- added denied IP moratorium
- added a warning if the directory for configs is not writable

Updated 2008-09-21 18:41   Owner nobu
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