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[pico] pico 1.8

Distributed 2009-03-02 05:35

pico is a module for static contents based on Duplicatable V3 (D3).

Distribution page

1.80 (2009/03/02)
- marked as a stable version
- fixed missing notification_select in main_viewcontent.html (thx nor)

1.79 (2009/02/16)
- modified templates to support RTL (not left/right but _ALIGN_START/END)
- modified body filtering to rescure it from fatal smarty compiling errors
- modified the content form to notify "HTML headers for each contents" status

1.78 (2009/02/09)
- fixed vpath in subcategories block (thx MAMEMARU)
- updated language files
-- persian (thx voltan)

1.77 (2009/01/23)
- fixed datetime of histories is displayed as created time in content form
- fixed array for extra_fields broken with magic_quotes_gpc=on (thx jidaikobo)
- fixed IE7 cannot download CSVs via SSL (thx jidaikobo)
- fixed any categories with no contents display thier lists (thx nobu175)
- added [ pagebreak ] tag into xcode
- added a parameter replyto_field_name for formmail plugins

1.76 (2009/01/18)
- modified comment integration using d3comment instead of d3forum_comment

1.75 (2008/12/03)
- modified "auto registrar class" can be overridden per category
- added auto-remover by "auto registrar class"
- added auto-updater by "auto registrar class"
- modified flags for auto-registering can be overriden per category
- fixed some fields for the contents stored into wrong fields of the histries
- fixed the preview for makecontent with wraps (thx mathmay)
- modified simple html-wapping controller can assign tellafriend
- fixed html-wrapping controller can work without wraps mode
- fixed a typo in admin_tags.html (thx salamander) 1.75a
- modified auto-updater from wrapped file without title tag 1.75a
- fixed formmail feature cannot get <legend> correctly (thx jidaikobo) 1.75a
- fixed poster_uid and modifier_uid cannot be changed into 0 1.75b
- confirmed to work with ImpressCMS and slight modifications 1.75b
- added language files
-- portuguesebr (thx leco) 1.75b

1.74 (2008/11/19)
- added tags manager
- modified extras manager
- added options for tags blocks
- changed string formats to serialize extra data (do sync once)
- changed string formats to serialize extra fields (do sync once)
- changed string formats to serialize redundant data
- fixed undefined function pico_common_unserialize() (thx jidaikobo) 1.74a
- fixed extra_fields sample is enabled in the template 1.74b

1.73 (2008/10/01)
- modified URI mapper class can be overridden (update the module)
- modified the subject is rendered with entity enabled
- fixed 'cancel' is appended into the formmail feature
- fixed xmobile plugin (thx shige-p) 1.73a
- fixed Smarty filter missing $xoops_imageurl etc. on XCL (thx gusagi) 1.73b
- fixed the flag for "Use tellafriend" is reversed (thx shige-p) 1.73b
- fixed a typo (vpath on/off) in main_content_form.html (thx mkbl) 1.73c
- added offset feature (offset,limit) into list blocks 1.73d

1.72 (2008-09-17)
- fixed formmail feature cannot work with mobile renderers
- added a flag for process_body into content block (thx jidaikobo) 1.72a
- fixed the condition for hyp_common's mobile (thx nao-pon) 1.72b

1.71 (2008-09-10)
- fixed htmlheaders for each contents are not rendered (thx neko88)
- fixed compatibility of the listing block (thx neko88)
- updated language files
-- persian (thx voltan and stranger)
- fixed formmail cannot work (thx ditamine) 1.71a
- fixed category info is not assigned for content page (thx ditamine) 1.71a

1.70 (2008-09-07)
- changed altsys-0.61 essential
- restructed almost codes
- added a feature of extra fields
- added configurations about images for extra fields
- modified d3forum.textsanitizer XCL2.1 preload friendly
- modified xoops_version for XCL2.1 friendly
- added a feature changing poster_uid/modifier_uid
- added a feature of TAG
- added a block for tags
- added a configuration HTML header can be edited
- modified timing for caching
- added a field for searching
- finished supporting common/spaw
- fixed a problem of body leaking at searching (thx toshi)
- added a controller clearing body caches
- added succeedable category permissioning system

Updated 2009-03-02 20:07   Owner nobu
© 2008 MySite Web Service